Milo Epitomizes Moody Hip-Hop In "Who Told You To Think"

Sometimes to take a step forward, you have to do something that seems like taking a step back. That's how you may feel listening to Milo. The underground rapper is the master of the dark, laidback hip-hop sound and he keeps on delivering with his new record. Milo epitomizes moody hip-hop in Who Told You To Think, his latest record.

Imagine sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy night. As you sip your hot drink, this is the soundtrack playing through your mind. From opening track 'Poet (Black Bean),' you can get the sense of the story Milo is ready to tell. Who Told You To Think is a cry against racism, the meanings sounding as oppressed as the instrumentals do. There's something very real about the music and his words. The album doesn't lose a bit of significance throughout, songs like 'Ornette's Swan Song' with Self Jupiter having a powerful message and has just the right amount of aggression to keep the message powerful. The smooth instrumentals only serve as context, their seeming emptiness giving the pained and tired messages more power.

The laidback sound of Who Told You To Think really captures what Milo is all about. There is not a moment of weakness on the record. There are bunch of great moments - the trumpets at the end of 'Yet Another' add some color to the monochrome aesthetic of the record, while 'Call + Form (Picture)' embraces the imagery and makes an equally special picture. From beginning to end, this album defines Milo's sound and builds a brilliant aesthetic.

Milo epitomizes moody hip-hop in Who Told You To Think, a record with a powerful message and a beautiful aesthetic. Milo has always been a flagbearer for the chilled hip-hop sound, but he really showcases that he's the master of it.

Favorite Tracks: Ornette's Swan Song, Sorcerer, Poet (Black Bean)

Least Favorite Track: IDK

Rating: 79 / 100

Stream or buy Who Told You To Think on Apple Music: