BTS Wrap Up Album Trilogy With "Love Yourself 結 'Answer'"

BTS have become a global sensation over the last year, amassing a huge fanbase and showing off their creativity with their Love Yourself album series. They're finally closing this chapter with one finall effort. BTS are wrapping up their album trilogy with "Love Yourself 結 'Answer'," a summative final showcase of what BTS really has to offer.

Love Yourself 結 'Answer' isn't entirely new material - some of the music comes from previous efforts from the Love Yourself albums (Love Yourself 承 'Her'FACE YOURSELFLove Yourself 轉 'Tear'), including the huge 'FAKE LOVE' and fun 'The Truth Untold' with Steve Aoki. We'll just focus on the new tracks for now. Opening track 'Euphoria' is one of the new tracks BTS offers up, he sweet melodies and atmosphere inviting you into the rest of the record. 'IDOL' is the star of the record, its sporty vibe pairing perfectly with its high energy drops and melodies.

Being that Love Yourself 結 'Answer' is effectively a compilation record of the rest of the series' albums, it's hard for it to really hold its own place. It certainly showcases a nice array of tracks the group has made, but as far as having its own identity as a record, it struggles. Especially when you hit some bumpy roads, like the weak message of 'I'm Fine' and the cringey delivery of 'Her.' Even if the songs aren't new, they don't really help establish the right vibe they could go for. The Love Yourself series was meant to tell a story; this is more like a recap that's trying to be forced into a summative finale.

BTS wrap up their album trilogy with Love Yourself 結 'Answer', offering up a great look at everything they've had to offer with these last records but not really wrapping up the story how thy intended too. It's more of a compilation than anything else, and some of the new tracks feel like nothing more than filler that didn't make the cut for the other records. It's a weak finish, but still shows some promising material.

Favorite Track: IDOL

Least Favorite Track: Her

Rating: 68 / 100

Stream or buy Love Yourself 結 'Answer' on Apple Music, and follow our 2018 Playlist on Spotify: