Taylor Swift Hits Back With Brooding Single 'Look What You Made Me Do'

After cryptic tweets and a surprise announcement of her new album ReputationTaylor Swift is back and is ready to start taking some swipes. She's been dealing with a lot lately, but Taylor Swift hits back with brooding new single 'Look What You Made Me Do.'

'Look What You Made Me Do' is a pretty interesting track from a sonic standpoint. It has a creepy, almost baroque sound to it, Swift's melodies are almost teasing, as if they're trying to rile up the people she's singing about. The beat is very driven and electronically tinged, driving the track powerfully as Swift hits back at her enemies. The strings are beautiful but add to the song's brooding nature, every little element making it sound a bit bigger. Every chorus gets bigger and more epic to make the song all the more powerful by its end.

The best part of 'Look What You Made Me Do' is its badass delivery. The song begins with Taylor chastising her enemy, claiming "I don't like your little games / Don't like your tilted stage," (a direct jab at Kanye West?) immediately going straight in for the jabs without even letting anyone catch their breath. The chorus dances with several harmonies, the voices all singing "Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time / I've got a list of names and yours is in red underlined" keep adding to the pressure before the chorus darkly and teasingly says "Look what you made me do" as if she's poking fun at who she just slayed. Plus, there's nothing more iconic than the end of the bridge, Swift claiming she's not playing around anymore with "I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh! 'Cause she's dead!"

Taylor Swift hits back with brooding new single 'Look What You Made Do' in a vicious and effective way. It's a dark track with a lot of swagger and seethes with lowkey rage the entire time. It's hard not to feel bad for whoever she's aiming at, because you know the beef she's firing back with is going to be strong. If Reputation is as upfront as this song, then November's going to be bringing some heat.

Rating: 89 / 100

Stream or buy 'Look What You Made Me Do' on Apple Music: