Feist Draws All Emotions In "Pleasure"

Canadian indie pop artist Feist has channeled everything on her new album. The music is lowkey but still flows in a way that is bound to exhibit something strong. Feist draws all emotions in Pleasure, focussing in on some the most intimate moments.

In regards to the record's meaning, Feist described Pleasure as "an exploration into emotional limits,” embodying “loneliness, private ritual, secrets, shame, mounting pressures, disconnect, tenderness, rejection, care and the lack thereof.” That's definitely the vibe you get listening to it. As it begins with title track 'Pleasure,' the darkish, lo-fi sound feels very introverted in the sense that she seems to be crying out for something that brings her pleasure. A similar rawness comes in 'Any Party,' its folky personality revealing the thoughts of the individuals of a big group rather than just herself.

Pleasure is an album that discusses emotion on both a wide and personal spectrum. 'I Wish I Didn't Miss You' is a sweet track that is very expressive and feels much more personal than a lot of songs, as Feist cries "Try to find a way to talk about it / I’m also in the mind to just let it go / How to reach out my mind if I can’t think straight / With the goodness so gone I feel to isolate." Outside of the lyrics, you can feel the story and strife even in the melodies and emotion of the track. The dreamy harmonies of 'Get Not High, Get Not Low' and 'Lost Dreams' with its innocence have much the same effect.

Musically, though, Pleasure doesn't have much going for it. The dinky synths of 'The Wind' definitely sound weird and throw off the record with their bounciness. The upfront intro of 'Century' provides a bit of energy, its build energetic before breaking down into a slower, darker part that creepily grows before just abruptly cutting off without a satisfying conclusion. The Mastodon at the sample at the end of 'A Man Is Not His Song' is a good way of bringing the song's message out and even chimes back to her collaborative EP with the band, but it really does feel out of place in the grand scheme of things. The only really musically apt moment is 'I'm Not Running Away,' it's chill, laidback blues guitar offering some fantastic tones to the record and even comes with some powerful solos.

Feist draws all emotions in Pleasure to create something very intimate. It's definitely an album that survives off of its lyrics and not so much its music, but the mood of every song definitely serves to empower her messages. You can tell it comes straight from her heart in the rawest form possible, which is perhaps more than you can ask of anyone. You'll really feel a wide array of emotions listening to this.

Favorite Tracks: I'm Not Running Away, I Wish I Didn't Miss You

Least Favorite Track: The Wind

Rating: 75 / 100

Buy or listen to Pleasure on Apple Music or Amazon: