Get Ready To Chill With Lee Foss' "Alchemy"

House music is a distant relative of disco, but Lee Foss's new album feels like a family reunion. Bring the two genres together with subdued energy and laidback beats, and get ready to chill with Lee Foss' Alchemy.

House music isn't meant to really be exciting. It's something made to groove to, and that's definitely a motif that can be found in Alchemy. There's a lot of tracks that are groovy to the bone and really live in that vibe, such as 'Haunted' featuring Alex Mills. This song's darker, groovy vibe gives it a deeper sound that keeps the vibe rolling. Closing track 'Lake Shore Drive' also has a distinctly chill vibe to it, though at the end of the record it makes it feel a bit underwhelming.

The disco vibe is also very strong. Opening track 'Deep Congo' has spiraling synths and a big bassline that makes it sound a lot more energetic than something more chill. It brings the album to a pretty energetic start which is always welcome. Other songs like 'Transit Of Venus' keep the energy rolling with some interesting synths, building up into a spiraling ending. 'Green Light' featuring Anjulie is also an energetic track, entirely joyous and really sweet.

Alchemy isn't a perfect album with lots of memorable tracks, but it's certainly one you can sit back and vibe with. Get ready to chill with Lee Foss' Alchemy and groove with it in the background - it'll be a relaxing hour with the occasional burst of energy.

Favorite Track: Deep Congo

Least Favorite Track: Lake Shore Drive

Rating: 65

Buy or listen to Alchemy here: