Gucci Mane's "Mr. Davis" Is Awfully Stale

There's only so much trap rap you can listen to before you get tired of it. There's meme quality in tracks, but realistically, a great track isn't too common. Such is the case with Gucci Mane, who really has to consider whether or not releasing music so frequently is worth it. Gucci Mane's Mr. Davis is awfully stale, leading to a dull listen.

When you release so much music in such a short span of time, quality control is a big problem. Gucci Mane does pretty well at not making utter garbage, but there's not many gems in there, either. A lot of the time, a song will have a really cool part of it that just isn't lived up to throughout the rest of the track. For example, the intro to 'Changed' is just awesome, the sample and the beat sounding great. Neither Big Sean nor Gucci really do the song any favors, though, leaving that beat for nothing. The same is true for 'Members Only,' which is ruined by its lyrics and 'We Ride,' with an anthemic start and great harmonies but Monica's hook becomes much too repetitive very quickly. The only track that really lives up to itself is 'Curve,' the dark and edgy beat contrasting perfectly with The Weeknd's silky vocals.

As Mr. Davis goes on, it just keeps getting more and more dull. Lots of tracks bring the record down from the very start: 'I Get The Bag' with Migos, the incredibly average 'Tone It Down' with Chris Brown, and the utter travesty that is 'Make Love' with Nicki Minaj all just really take the album down a notch, from a place where it was already struggling. The album drones on and on, and you get tastes of hope that are immediately shut down by subpar delivery or weak verses. There's nothing big or bombastic, in your face that will get you hyped up, nor is there anything thoughtprovoking or at least feels like it comes from some place close. It's almost entirely trivial, in a sense.

Gucci Mane's Mr. Davis is awfully stale for a lot of reasons. No punch, no emotion... it's just another iteration of the blandness we've heard from this wave of rap before. Riddling an album with features doesn't save it from a lack of inspiration. Perhaps its best if Gucci waited awhile to release something else before he continues on this downward spiral.

Favorite Track: Curve

Least Favorite Tracks: Make Love, I Get The Bag, Tone It Down

Rating: 68 / 100

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