WATCH: Muse's Dom Howard Dukes It Out On The Drums With Matt Bellamy's Son

If you haven't had your daily dose of Muse and cuteness today, we have you covered. Muse frontman Matt Bellamy took this heartwarming video from a band session in the studio today, featuring his son Bing duking it out on the drums with Muse drummer Dominic Howard in a heated drum battle.

The band has slowly been easing their way into work on their follow up to 2015's Drones, Bellamy entering the studio a few months ago, acoustic guitar in hand, to start laying down some tracks. The band seems to have started returning to the studio, Howard posting his own update from the studio at the drumkit.

Watch the intense drum battle between Dom and Bing here:

Bing duels with @domhoward77

A video posted by Matt Bellamy (@mattbellamy) on

If Bing's talents make it onto the new record, it won't be his first contribution to the band. Bing's heartbeat while he was still in his mother's womb was used in the intro of The 2nd Law track 'Follow Me,' as well as in the track 'The 2nd Law: Isolated System.' 

Muse is gearing up for their next record - we'll keep you updated on any details that come as we get them.