Future Continues To Use His Repetitive Flow In "BEASTMODE 2"

Nothing says Future like dropping a mixtape full of forgettable songs that sound just about like everything else he's ever done as he's working on a new album that might just be the same thing. Future continues to use his repetitive flow in BEASTMODE 2, another weak and tired effort from hip-hop's weakest link.

Future's music is like a double-edged sword: going into a record or mixtape, you can expect to hear - at times - some fairly interesting beats used throughout that are actually pretty catchy. On the other hand, you'll must likely be subjected to Future's incessant, overused flow and delivery that he refuses to shake. That's exactly what continues to happen in BEASTMODE 2. 'Wifi Lit' introduces the mixtape with dumb lyrics but an admittedly engaging beat, though even that formula is overused by the halfway point of the mixtape. The formula for this one is to put some moderately advanced piano piece over trap bass and some hi-hats then rap the same two lines over 50% of the song. 'Racks Blue' is the third song on the record, and you can already tell you're not in for much more than exactly that.

It's hard to really keep track of what song you're listening to because they all sound the same. On top of that, they're delivered the same way and might as well be the same songs with slightly different beats. Some songs just don't make sense whatsoever - what is the premise of 'Cuddle My Wrist?' Even the very title feels like it went over his head (is it supposed to sound vaguely similar to "cut my wrist?") From start to finish, Future just doesn't seem to want to step off his high horse that he got on when he hit it off. He isn't on time for half of the closing track 'Hate The Real Me.'

Future continues to use his repetitive flow in BEASTMODE 2 and fails to make anything of worth once again. It definitely feels like mid-album-recording songs that aren't good enough to make the cut, but he needed to drop something in between it all. It's just uncreative and weak, and while it is at least more engaging than some of his current trap competition, it's certainly not impressive. 

Favorite Track: Wifi Lit

Least Favorite Track: Cuddle My Wrist

Rating: 47 / 100

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