Stand Atlantic Burst With Energy In "Skinny Dipping"

There’s no time like the present, and the burning youth and “live life to the fullest” tone of Australian alternative rockers Stand Atlantic help testify that. Stand Atlantic burst with energy in Skinny Dipping, their debut record that takes you right back to high school.

Stand Atlantic have the sound of the the ideal mid-2000s teenage pop punk band, and they own the sound in the best way possible. ‘Lavender Bones‘ opens the album up with a punchy note, immediately giving you those hits of energy as the album gets running. ‘Bullfrog‘ follows up with even more energy and an anthemic presence. Other number like ‘Lost My Cool‘ come with these familiar big, alternative atmospheres, while Stand Atlantic keep their energy up with tracks like ‘Burn In The Afterthought,‘ where they really exemplify the whole “going out in flames” lifestyle.

As predictable as Skinny Dipping may sound on the surface, Stand Atlantic do a pretty solid job and keeping things dynamic and fresh from start to finish. ‘Speak Slow‘ comes with some attitude to its delivery, while ‘Cigarette Kiss‘ follows with a more warm and loving tone. ‘Toothpick‘ is a calmer number hat adds more color to the back half of the record, before the energetic ‘Clay‘ featuring Hannah Hermione Greenwood and the sweet yet rocking ‘Roses‘ closes the record out. There’s a bit of everything in Skinny Dipping, and it really makes for an enjoyable listen.

Stand Atlantic burst with energy in Skinny Dipping, delivering a surprisingly dynamic and youthful debut that fills you with energy. There aren’t many tracks that make for a huge surprise, but most of the album is confident and proud and shows potential, which is where the band really shines here.

Favorite Track: Roses

Least Favorite Track: Skinny Dipping

Rating: 73 / 100

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